Wrinkled shirt? Forget the iron, reach for the spray

How many times have you left a load of laundry in the dryer overnight, leaving you with a wrinkled mess? That misstep used to mean a long session at the ironing board. Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus promises a simpler spray-on solution. Does it work? Consumer Reports laundry pros created the ultimate torture test to find out.

We filled a laundry basket with assorted fabric swatches, as well as several rayon-knit blouses, blended-fabric sweaters, and 100-percent cotton dress shirts. Next we added a 5-pound weight and let the items sit overnight.

The next day, we hung the severely wrinkled items from hangers and followed the Downy directions, which say to spray garments until they’re lightly damp, pull and smooth as needed, and let dry. As promised, the wrinkles fell from swatches and garments before our eyes, far more so than when we sprayed them with plain water (though not as thoroughly as when we hit them with a hot iron).

Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus takes about 5 to 10 minutes to dry, depending on the fabric (though in a pinch you could probably don slightly damp garments). And it leaves behind a fragrance that might bother sensitive noses. Also, the spray works best on synthetic and blended fabrics, though it should get the job done on button-down shirts and other cotton apparel.

And you don’t have to stop at clothing. Tablecloths, aprons, curtains, basically any fabrics around the house that are wrinkle-prone, are also worth a shot. Downy Wrinkle Release Plus also comes in travel-size containers, to keep you looking smooth and put-together when you’re far from home, especially if your clothes are kept stain-free with one of our top-rated laundry detergents.

One final point of interest about Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus: though Downy is a Procter & Gamble brand, this particular product is licensed to Nehemiah Manufacturing Co, whose mission is to bring manufacturing jobs back to Cincinnati. You can read more about the company at its website.

Best irons from our tests

Prefer to get rid of wrinkles the old-fashioned way? Check out Consumer Reports' top-rated steam irons. We test irons for steaming rate, temperature consistency, and ease of use. Here are six picks.

—Daniel DiClerico (@dandiclerico on Twitter)

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