Creature Cups: Animal Surprise at each Beverage Bottom

Some are friendly and furry, and others look poised to snap you with claws or wrap you with tentacles – from spiders to swans, you never know what you will find at the bottom of these coffee (or tea) mugs.

The exterior of each one is conspicuously identical and unassuming, so for guests come to visit for the first time, the shock will definitely catch them off guard – for those in the know, though, they will still always get a little surprise with their final sips.

Yumi-Yumi is “a Brooklyn based group of designers and coffee drinkers. We’ve had these little creatures crawling around our head for years – just trying to get out. We didn’t know where they were trying to go until one day they told us – your coffee! They wanted to drink up your coffee and soak in your tea.”