How to choose the best humidifier for your space

Got a scratchy throat or chapped lips? Dry indoor air could be to blame. During the coldest days of winter, when air holds less moisture, humidity inside the home can drop to as low as 10 percent—30 to 50 percent is ideal. A humidifier can provide relief by pumping moisture back into the air.

Looking for a humidifier? Keep in mind that you should size it to the room where you'll be using it. And you'll probably want to put a humidifier in more than one room. In Consumer Reports' humidifier tests, we group the models by the size of the room they can humidify.

When shopping, remember to factor in extra costs. Evaporative humidifiers use a filter that requires periodic replacing, and some ultrasonic models use a demineralization cartridge. Antimicrobial cartridges are another option. Replacing these parts can cost about $50 per year.

The best humidifiers from our tests

Looking for a humidifier? Keep in mind that you should size it to the room where you'll be using it. You'll probably need more than one. Here are the top picks from our tests.

For more choices see our full humidifier Ratings and recommendations.

—Mary H.J. Farrell (@mhjfarrell on Twitter)

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